off even without the need for soap and the water will wash it away. Don't forget that clean shaven arm pits are not so given to BO as hairy ones. When considering body hair, don't forget that on the back and sides of the neck, which might not be cov- ered by a hairpiece, One other place to remember is the ears. The growth of long coarse hairs in the ears after the age of 40 is a distinguishing male characteristic, so removal of these by clipping or plucking is desirable.
Leg Hair--If the removal of a heavy growth of hair on the legs is not feasible, one solution is to wear flesh-colored tights or leotards and then a dark shade of nylons on top. Others wear two pairs of hose,
Eyebrows--The problem of eyebrows bothers many men. One does not have to have eyebrows like John L. Lewis to be masculine. Eyebrows can be thinned in two ways. The barber will usually olip the eyebrows on request, which takes care of the long straggly hairs, but even a man looks neater if the eyebrows are all on the bony ridge above the eye and not on the bridge of the nose or scattered all over the eyelid. Brows can be plucked gradually a few hairs a day until they are both uniform and neat. Blunt ended, two-fingered special eyebrow tweezers should be used. It is neither necessary or desirable to pluck the brows down to a thin line. This is no longer fashionable with women and an impersonator can look quite acceptable either way if he will just get the brows separated and cleaned up to look neat. The brows should begin just over the inner corner of the eye and hairs which tend to grow in the space between should be plucked. If there are a lot of them, their removal, a few at a time scattered around, will never be noticed by anyone and then one day, the area is clean and looks as though it has always been that way. Same goes for the hairs that grow below the brow line on the upper lid. These lower hairs should be plucked, but generally it isn't necessary to shape eyebrows by taking any from the upper edge.
LEGS: Striding--In low heels and with usually longer legs, men generally take longer strides than women even when they are wear- ing flats, so length of stride must be reduced. Of course, high